Monday, July 6, 2009

One snake's revenge...

How many people does it take to assist a snake to shed?? Apparantly, three plus two to "supervise".

Gator, our red rat snake, gets the last laugh here. He was having a hard time shedding the last part of his skin. So, as the vet recommended, we put him in a wet pillowcase for a few minutes, which helped. But he still had old skin on him, so Christina and the Amandas were peeling off the last shed pieces. They weren't hurting him, but apparently were irritating him a little. Sure, he acted calm enough. Until...unfortunately for Chris's leg..he decided to poop all over the place! We were grossed out but laughing, when Amanda Hardy decided to get a closer look at Gator. He took this as his opportunity for revenge for being "picked"on...and aimed more poop right at her face! Luckily Hardy has cat-like reflexes and totally escaped the scat shot. Barely. It was hysterical, I'm pretty sure Gator had a smirk on his face for the rest of the day!

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