Thursday, March 4, 2010

Flat Stanly Project

A couple of weeks ago I received letters from my twin nephews from Rockford, Michigan. In their first grade classes at Meadow Ridge Elementary, they read the book Flat Stanly by Jeff Brown. Stanly was flattened, so he was able to be mailed around the world and explore new places with ease. My nephews, Bryce and Connor, sent the flattened versions of themselves to visit us in Florida. What better way to teach them about Amelia Island than to take them to work with me? Flat Bryce discovered beach bounty, including sharks' teeth and a mermaid's purse (egg case of a skate which is related to a stingray).
He made friends with Gator, our red rat snake, who thankfully wasn't hungry at the time.

Baby T, our Diamondback terrapin, is always anxious to pose, and allowed Flat Bryce to share his spotlight.

Flat Bryce was a great assistant while feeding the animals.

Samantha the Florida box turtle was especially curious.

Flat Connor was intrigued by how Harley the eastern King Snake could make himself into a pretzel.

Flat Connor met our saltwater fish, including the spadefish and mojarro .

And, of course our burrfish had to check him out, as they do with everyone who visits the nature center. They were less impressed when they found out Flat Connor had no seafood for them.

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