This past week there's been a feeling that something's missing at the nature center. Unfortunately, Duey, one of our foster squirrels (see post from November 18) has passed away. We learned how to trim his bottom teeth, but saw no sign of the top teeth. Then he began to sound a little congested so we took him into the vet.
The vet x-rayed his mouth and found that the top teeth were not aligned properly and decided surgery was best to correct the problem. As you can imagine, anesthesia and bleeding are not easy on a squirrel, and Duey died during the operation. Although we miss our tough little guy terribly, at least we know he will not suffer and we did everything we could for him.
On a happier note, we still have Cocoa - who we call Coconut because he is really nutty, even for a squirrel! He enjoys wrestling with the sticks in his cage. He recently moved to a larger transition cage so he can be outdoors and get accustomed to his new surroundings before we release him, which will be in a couple more weeks.
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