Thursday, May 14, 2009

Crisis @ The Ritz Carlton

It was the 25th of April, a fine Saturday afternoon I might add when The Nature Center recieved a distress call from the head of security at The Ritz Carlton! A loon was injured on the shore just in front of their hotel (he was afraid his staff would get hurt, so he rang us!) Neil and I immediately hopped in the Green Machine (our van) and headed out! After a lengthy phone call, a couple of wrong turns and some dodgy directions we eventually arrived at the staff car park. We were greeted by the man on the phone, we leapt into his golf cart and headed to the beach. Just before the beach we changed carts to an all terrain cart and headed to the last known location of the injured loon. We whizzed down the beach, passing several bemused guests and Neil hitting his back several times, after a short time we spotted a crowd of people staring out to sea, there she was, the injured loon.
We jumped out and schemed a plan to rescue the poor girl, I would wade out in one direction while Neil swam around behind guiding it in my direction. In full work attire, we bravely jumped in, we didnt care, we wanted to save the loon. The plan was going swimmingly when the loon decided it didnt want to be saved and started heading out to sea, Neil cunningly swam faster and cut her off, guiding her in my direction. When she was close enough, I grabbed the loon with my hands and pulled her in close, she was safe! At the same time this commotion was going on, a crowd of onlookers began to amass, wondering what these two strangers were up to.
As the exhausted Neil and I waded back toward shore complete with loon, the curious onlookers realized what had just happened and began applauding, we graciously accepted the applause, hopped back on the golf cart and rode off into the afternoon sun, the loon safe in a carrier and on the way to being healed!

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